<aside> 📌 English Translation: Hoyoung Moon


tr01. There is a Wolf

Early morning, a poor woman

clutching the body of her child who died of hunger

wails as she walks through the slum

Look, there’s a witch!

Villagers who’ve realized

the rich bought all the good bread

pound the castle gates with sticks and rakes

Look, there’s a riot!

After gathering and devouring

all the beans in the field

the hungry people break into the granaries of the rich

Look, there’s a wolf!

The meek who work and worry, toil and cry

The ones who cannot laugh as they like

They’ve begun running

Look, there’s a heretic!

The city’s gates are locked tight, outside it are the people

The city’s gates are locked tight, outside it are the people

All of my friends are poor

Think about this poverty for once

Soon, it’ll have to do with you too

This land must be shaken awake

All of my friends are poor

Think about this poverty for once

Soon, it’ll have to do with you too

This land must be shaken awake

We are not worthless

We are just the ones who bake your bread

Make your wine and drink the dregs

We cannot watch our children starve

There is A Witch

There is A Riot

There is A Heretic

There is A Wolf

tr02. Conversation

This world is home to some important things

and I’m well aware that doesn’t mean my stories

I have questions, of course, and lots I want to know

But I won’t ask, I’ve been taught not to

I don’t want to look at myself or meet me halfway but

I do feel sorry for myself, for sure, I’m pathetic

When I look in the mirror I avoid looking at my face

I just watch my toes wiggle, that’s how I’ve been living

That’s right, I don’t have anything to say

Don’t want to listen to you or your advice

Please stop, no more, I don’t have anything else to say

That’s how it’s been, how I’ll continue to be

That’s right, I’m telling you I don’t want to

I remember almost everyone I’ve met

but there are lots of people I want to, had to forget

More and more places I can’t step foot in, I’m getting used to it

But why do you keep trying to strike up a conversation

Why do you keep, why keep telling me to talk

Please stop, no more, enough

That’s right, we’re still here

Thinking and thinking and thinking still

That’s right, you’d be curious about that sort of thing

What kind of stories get passed down in this world

I bet you’re wondering what to say

Wondering what kind of stories can be shared

That’s right, questions are where we begin

Who told you so and why did you listen

That’s right, that will become your story

All the morsels and places and yearnings you’ve lived through

Your stories will be heard again and again

They had to be, they’ll continue to be

That’s right, you’re telling me you don’t want to

That your stories are worthless and trifling

That you don’t have anyone at your side, it’s the story of your life

That’s right, you have to share those stories

To experience those stories being shared and heard

If you could meet yourself tomorrow

How would you start the conversation?

That’s right, we’re still here

Thinking and thinking and thinking some more

tr03. I’m All Ears for You

I’m not sure what use this has, what meaning

But people say they enjoyed it, they felt joy, they shed tears

“I’ve been listening to you” is how they say hello

Even if we haven’t met, don’t meet, or it’s our first time meeting

“I’ve been listening to you”

Have you been listening? When do you listen, for what reason?

And who do you become in those moments?

Are you listening? To this song that’s nothing but questions

[Do you want to listen again? When will you listen, for what reason?

And who will you become in those moments?]

The emperor of the sea is gravely ill and can’t find a cure

My friend Haemi recently got laparoscopic surgery

And the emperor is told rabbit liver is his only hope

Yuri’s dog Dahm fully recovered from cancer

At the emperor’s behest, the turtle sets out to catch a rabbit

And Handa who’s been all over the world snores beside me

My good Sir Rabbit, it’s an honor to meet you

How have you been, very well I assume

Sir Turtle, I am puzzled by your assumption

All my life I’ve been running or hiding, heart racing from fear

Deep into the ocean the rabbit travels with the turtle

And to the emperor awaiting its liver, it cleverly says

Noona*, I wanna have fun before I have to go to the military

Oh my, I would’ve brought my liver if you’d told me in advance

Some chase down the good life, some chase after love

I’m well aware, I’m listening, I remember and know by heart

Meaningful stories, I want to listen to and share

I’ve been listening to you, I’m listening, I’m all ears

[I’m not sure what use this has, what meaning

But people say they enjoyed it, they felt joy, they shed tears]

“I’ve been listening to you” is how they say hello

Have you been listening, listening closely, all ears

I’m all ears for you

tr04. The Generation of Tribulation

Again, we burst into tears as if someone had died

tr05. Pang

I ate some pang

tr06. I Want to Sleep Willfully